
The University of Tokyo (April 2020 - )

FY2023 Graduation/Completion
PD Researcher Dr. Bilal Turan (Sep. 2024)

FY2023 Graduation/Completion
JSPS PD Researcher Dr. Xingwen Zheng (Feb. 2024)
D3 Shingo Kaneko
D3 Shiro Watanabe
D3 Zhaoyu WANG
M2 Sou Shiina
M2 Kei Harada
M2  Taosong YU
B4  Chihiro Akiyama
B4  Yuki Kotani

FY2022 Graduation/Completion
PD Researcher Allah Rakhio (Feb. 2023)
M2 伊藤 匠海 
M2  谷口 雄大 
M2  藤本 雄大 
B4  澤田 純 

FY2021 Graduation/Completion
B4 川脇 優輝
B4  滝口 友樹
B4  田中 仁樹
B4 吉井 大貴

FY2020 Graduation/Completion

B4 平永 悠
B4 森合 勲武

Nagoya University (April 2010 - March 2020)

M2 Shingo Kaneko

Professor Fumihito Arai 
Associate Professor Taisuke Masuda
Assistant Professor Shinya Sakuma
Assistant Professor Yuichi Murozaki
Assistant Professor Seiji Omata
Posdoc fellow Bilal Turan
D3 山中 俊郎
D3 笠井 宥佑
M2 奥田 和磨
M2 登森 勇介
M2 平手 貴大
M2 山田 雄風
B4 勝野 翔太郎
B4 齋藤 真
B4 小川 航生
B4 東海 詠思
B4 美木 克貴
B4 広田 侑亮

Posdoc fellow Yuhao Gao
D3 Bilal Turan
D3 Mahmoud Elroubi
D3 杉浦 広峻
D3 中原 康
M2 椿 雅樹
M2 足達 俊哉
M2 秋田 祐甫
M2 中西 悠輔
M2 横田 悠樹
Research student 大橋 一輝
B4 安藤 大知
B4 蟹 拓実
B4 河野 明

D3 Anas Bin Mohd Noor
M2 西 拓也
M2 長谷川 敬晃
M2 細野 恵介
M2 南 秀鉱
M1 角 群雄
B4 遠藤 優
B4 Izzuddin
B4 河野英駿
B4 栗原雄基
B4 小林 健

Assistant Professor Takeshi Hayakawa
D3 Hairulazwan bin Hashim
D3 伊藤 啓太郎
M2 菊川 真希
M2 佐藤 彩夏
M2 染矢 雄成
M2 高木 慶祐
M2 渡邉 貴文
B4 鈴木 太志
B4 竹内 弘敬
B4 真野 健太郎
B4 内藤 翼


Research fellow Jing Zhong
D3  Liu Heng jun
M2 浮亀 光弘
M2 鍵山 周一郎
M2 宋 元儀
M2 田代 和也
M2 長谷川 貴之
B4 浅野 圭亮
B4 小野 巧
B4 荻原 浩
B4 坂野 周平
B4 Muhammad Hazman bin Omar


Research fellow Lin Feng
Student in M2 Ippei Kato
Student in M2 Masanobu Kito
Student in M2 Yuka Yamagishi
Student in M2 Ningga
Student in M1 Shota Niwa
Student in B4 Yoshitaka Ito
Student in B4 Takuya Kariwa
Student in B4 Naoki Sato
Student in B4 Ryota Takamidou
Student in B4 Yuta Maekawa


Student in M2 Tsubasa Kakio
Student in M2 Hiroki Kuriki
Student in M2 Yilin Sun
Student in M2 Miyako Niimi
Student in B4 Kohei Sato
Student in B4 Tatsurou Shoda


Assistant Professor T. Kawahara
Ph.D. Researcher M. hagiwara
Assistant K. Kodama
Student in D3 H. Ohzeki
Student in D2 K. onda
Student in B4 S. Nakamura
Student in B4 T. Hirano
Researh Student N. Takei


Assistant S. Nakamura
Ph.D. Researcher H. Uvet
Ph.D. Researcher T. Nakano
Student in B4 N. Inoue
Student in B4 S. Ohashi

Tohoku University (October 2005 - March 2010)


Professor Fumihito Arai 
Assistant Professor Yoko Yamanishi
Assistant Professor Hisataka Maruyama
Assistant R. Higuchi
Assistant M. Saida
Student in D2 T. Nakano
Student in M2 R. Iitsuka
Student in M2 T. Itoyama
Student in M2 N. Inomata
Student in M2 K. Narumi
Student in M2 T. Mizunuma
Student in M1 T. Iyanagi
Student in M1 T. Otake
Student in M1 K. Kotani
Student in M1 K. Yoshida
Student in M1 Lin Feng
Student in B4 Y. Sawada
Student in B4 T. Shioiri
Student in B4 T. Sugeno
Student in B4 T. Matsumoto
Student in B3 M. Kuze
Student in B3 S. Kudo
Student in B4 Y. Kumagai
Research student Lina Lin


Student in M2 K. Onda
Student in M2 T. Kato
Student in M2 S. Sakuma
Student in M2 Benoit Chapurlat
Student in B4 Y. Kihara


Research Assistant R. Kamii
Ph.D Researcher T. Masuda
Student in M2 D. Azuma
Student in M2 A. Aakura
Student in M2 H. Matsumoto
Student in M2 M. Hirota
Exchange Student Jameson J. Lee
Exchange Student Edward Chow
Exchange Student Alford Lew


Ph.D Researcher S. Ikeda
Ph.D Researcher M. Tada
Researcher R. Ookawara
Assistant Professor Yu-Ching Lin