
120. High-speed separation system of randomly suspended single living cells
by laser trap and dielectrophoresis
Electrophoresis, 22-2, (2001), 283-288.
Fumihito Arai, Akihiko Ichikawa, Masanobu Ogawa, Toshio Fukuda, Koji Horio,
Kouichi Itoigawa

121. 指先のずれ変形呈示を目的とした触覚ディスプレイ
日本機械学会論文集(C編), 67-653, (2001), pp.138-145.

122. 3-D Nanorobotic Manipulation of Nanometer-scale Objects
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 13-2, (2001), 146-153.
Lixin Dong, Fumihito Arai and Toshio Fukuda

123. Fingerprint Image Sensing Using Micromechanical Key and Extraction Algorithm
for Sensed Fingerprint Image
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 13-5, (2001), 458-463.
Fumihito Arai and Toshio Fukuda

124. 3D calibration for micro-manipulation with precise position measurement
Journal of Micromechatronics, 1-2, (2001), 117-130.

125. 超音波の音軸を交差させて生成される定在波音場を用いた二次元マイクロ
日本機械学会論文集(C編), 67-657, (2001), 1269-1275.
小塚晃透,辻内 亨,三留秀人,新井史人,福田敏男

126. 薄板の一体成形による平行平板構造を用いた吊り下げ型角速度センサ
電気学会論文誌E(センサ・マイクロマシン準部門誌), 121-E-5, (2001), 281-287.

127. Mechanical Micro-dissection by Microknife Using Ultrasonic Vibration and
Ultra Fine Touch Probe Sensor
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
(2001), 139-144.
Fumihito Arai, Takaharu Amano,Toshio Fukuda, Hiroshi Satoh

128. Dome Shaped Touch Sensor Using PZT Thin Film Made by Hydrothermal Method
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
(2001), 577-582.
Guiyong KWON, Fumihito ARAI, Toshio FUKUDA, Kouichi ITOIGAWA, and

129. A Relaxation System Adapting to User's Condition -Identification of relationship
between massage intensity and heart rate variability-
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
(2001), 3195-3200.
Yasuhisa Hasegawa, Takeo Ootsuka, Toshio Fukuda, Fumihito Arai, and
Mitsuo Kawaguchi

130. 配管腐食診断システムの研究(超音波探傷法による平面情報を用いた腐食種類,
日本機械学会論文集(C編), 68-666, (2002), 391-397.
福田敏男,油井拓紀,酒本晋太郎,阿部靖則,長谷川泰久,小林 太,新井史人

131. バイラテラル制御による非接触マイクロマニピュレーション-レーザ
日本ロボット学会誌, 20-4, (2002), 417-424.

132. Separation of Target Microbe by Laser Manipulation and Flow Control
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 14-2, (2002), 133-139.
Fumihito Arai, Akihiko Ichikawa, Toshio Fukuda, Koji Horio,
Kouichi Itoigawa and Keisuke Morishima

133. Microchip Design and Experiment for Separation of Microbe
from Continuous Sample Liquid Flow Using Optical Tweezers
JSME International Journal Series C, 47-1, (2004), 268-274.
Fumihito ARAI, Toshihiro SAKAMI, Akihiko ICHIKAWA and Toshio FUKUDA

134. Positional Recognition and Attitude Control for 3-D Biomicromanipulation
in Microscopy
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 14-3, (2002), 238-243.
Akiko Kawaji, Fumihito Arai and Toshio Fukuda

135. Three-dimensional Nanorobotic Manipulations of Carbon Nanotubes
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 14-3, (2002), 245-252.
Lixin Dong, Fumihito Arai and Toshio Fukuda

136. Electron-beam-induced deposition with carbon nanotube emitters
Applied Physics Letters, 81-10, (2002), 1919-1921.
Lixin Dong, Fumihito Arai, and Toshio Fukuda

137. Fabrication and Property Analysis of MWNT Junctions through Nanorobotic
Int’l J. of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation (IJNSNS), 3, (2002),
Toshio Fukuda, Fumihito Arai, and Lixin Dong

138. Dangler type vibrating gyroscope using the parallel beam structure formed
by sheet metal molding
Journal of Micromechatronics, 1-4, (2002), 327-343.

139. Microtouch-Sensor Array Fabricated by Hydrothermal Method
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 14-6, (2002), 633-639.
Guiryong Kwon, Fumihito Arai, Toshio Fukuda, Kouichi Itoigawa and
Yasunori Tsukahara

140. Facial Expression of Robot Face for Human-Robot Mutual Communication
Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
(2002), 46-51.
Toshio Fukuda, Jun Taguri, Fumihito Arai, Masakazu Nakashima,
Daisuke Tachibana, and Yasuhisa Hasegawa

141. New Catheter Driving Method Using Linear Stepping Mechanism
for Intravascular Neurosurgery
Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
(2002), 2944-2949.
Fumihito Arai, Ryo Fujimura, Toshio Fukuda, and Makoto Negoro

142. Nanoassembly of Carbon Nanotubes through Mechanochemical Nanorobotic
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics(JJAP), 42-1, (2003), 295-298.
Lixin DONG, Fumihito ARAI and Toshio FUKUDA

143. Pinpoint Injection of Microtools for Minimally Invasive Micromanipulation
of Microbe by Laser Trap
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 8-1, (2003), 3-9.
Fumihito Arai, Hisataka Maruyama, Toshihiro Sakami, Akihiko Ichikawa, and
Toshio Fukuda

144. Isolation and extraction of target microbes using thermal sol-gel transformation
Analyst, 128, (2003), 547-551.
Fumihito Arai, Akihiko Ichikawa, Toshio Fukuda and Tohoru Katsuragi

145. Improvement in PZT Ceramic Vibrator Low Frequency of Generated Sound
for Using PZT Ceramic Vibrator as a Sound Source for an Artificial Larynx
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 15-1, (2003), 8-14.
Katsutoshi Ooe, Toshio Fukuda and Fumihito Arai

146. Structure design of micro touch sensor array
Sensors &Actuators: A. Physical, 107-1, (2003), 7-13.
Liqun Du, Guiryong Kwon, Fumihito Arai, Toshio Fukuda, Kouichi Itoigawa,
Yasunori Tukahara

147. 複数カメラによる広域人物監視システム
日本機械学会論文集(C編),69-680, (2003), 1011-1018.
福田敏男,鈴木達也,長谷川泰久,新井史人,根木 優

148. Assembly of Nanodevices with Carbon Nanotubes through Nanorobotic Manipulations
Proceedings of the IEEE, 91-11, (2003), 1803-1818.

149. Voice-supported Active Touch Panel Using Micro Touch Sensor with PZT Thin Film
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 15-4, (2003), 384-390.
Gui Ryong Kwon, Fumihito Arai, Toshio Fukuda, Kouichi Itoigawa, and
Yasunori Tsukahara

150. Nanotube Devices Fabricated in a Nano Laboratory
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
(2003), 3624-3629.
Lixin DONG, Fumihito ARAI, Masahiro NAKAJIMA, Pou LIU, and Toshio FUKUDA

151. Mood and Task Coordination of Home Robots
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
(2003), 250-255.
Myung-Jin Jung, Fumihito Arai, Yasuhisa Hasegawa, Toshio Fukuda

152. Synchronized Laser Micro-manipulation of Microtools for Assembly of Microbeads
and Indirect Manipulation of Microbe
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE/RSJ Int’l Conference on Intelligent Robot
and Systems, (2003), 2121-2126.
Fumihito ARAI, Toshihiro SAKAMI, Keiichi YOSHIKAWA, Hisataka MARUYAMA,

153. Calibration of Carbon Nanotube Probes for Pico-Newton Order Force Measurement
inside a Scanning Electron Microscope
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 16-2, (2004), 155-162.
Masahiro Nakajima, Fumihito Arai, Lixin Dong, and Toshio Fukuda

154. Miniaturized Mobile Robot Kit for Robotics Seminars for Young People
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 15-6, (2003), 639-645.
Hidenori Ishihara, Kimihito Yukawa, Toshio Fukuda, Fumihito Arai, and
Yasuhisa Hasegawa

155. Analysis and Design of a New Micro Jerk Sensor with Viscous Coupling
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 15-6, (2003), 582-587.
Motohiro Fujiyoshi, Yutaka Nonomura, Fumihito Arai, and Toshio Fukuda

156. センサ選択に基づくリンク選択型ニューラルネットワークによるセンサフュージョン
日本機械学会論文集(C編), 69-685, (2003), 2344-2349.
小林 太,福井猛晴,福田敏男,新井史人,小野田 誠,小島史男

157. Study on In-Pipe Corrosion Diagnosis System -Estimation of Corrosion on Screw Parts
Using a Surface SH Probe-
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 16-1, (2004), 61-70.
Shintaro Sakamoto, Toshio Fukuda, Hironori Yui, Yasunori Abe, Yasuhisa Hasegawa,
Futoshi Kobayashi, and Fumihito Arai

158. Study on In-Pipe Corrosion Diagnosis System -Corrosion Estimation
Using Wavelet Transform and Two-dimensional Information-
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 16-1, (2004), 71-79.
Shintaro Sakamoto, Toshio Fukuda, Hironori Yui, Yasunori Abe, Yasuhisa Hasegawa,
Futoshi Kobayashi, and Fumihito Arai

159. Manipulation of Single Cell for Separation and Investigation
International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, 2-2, (2004), 135-143.
Fumihito Arai, Akihiko Ichikawa, Hisataka Maruyama, Kouhei Motoo, and
Toshio Fukuda

160. Field Emission Property Characterization of Individual Carbon Nanotubes
through Nanorobotic Manipulations and Its Applications
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
(2004), 440-445.
Fumihito Arai, Pou Liu, Lixin Dong, and Toshio Fukuda

161. High Sensitive Micro Touch Sensor with Piezoelectric Thin Film
for Micro Pipetting Works under Microscope
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
(2004), 1352-1357.
Fumihito Arai, Kouhei Motoo, Toshio Fukuda and Tohoru Katsuragi

162. Synchronized Manipulation and Force Measurement by Optical Tweezers
Using High-speed Laser Scanning
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
(2004), 890-895.
Fumihito Arai, Keiichi Yoshikawa, Toshihiro Sakami and Toshio Fukuda

163. An In Vitro Patient-Tailored Biological Model of Cerebral Artery Reproduced
with Membranous Configuration for Simulating Endovascular Intervention
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 17-3, (2005), 327-334.
S. Ikeda, F. Arai, T. Fukuda, M. Negoro, K. Irie

164. Single Cell Trap on a Chip Using In-situ Microfabrication with
Photo-Crosslinkable Resin and Thermal Gelation
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation,
(2004), 2848-2853.
Akihiko ICHIKAWA, Fumihito ARAI, Hisataka MARUYAMA, Toshio FUKUDA and

165. Destructive Constructions of Nanostructures with Carbon Nanotubes
through Nanorobotic Manipulation
IEEE/ASME Trans. on Mechatronics, 9-2, (2004), 350-357.
L.X. Dong, F. Arai, T. Fukuda

166. 配管腐食診断システムの研究(ウェーブレット変換および平面情報を用いた腐食推定)
日本機械学会論文集(C編),70-696,(2004), 2322-2328.
福田敏男,油井拓紀,酒本晋太郎,阿部靖則,長谷川泰久,小林 太,新井史人

167. Piezoelectric properties of lead-free CaBi4Ti4O15 thin films
Applied Physics Letters, 85-18, (2004), 4217-4218.
F. Arai, K. Motoo, T. Fukuda, K. Kato

168. Synchronized Laser Micromanipulation of Multiple Targets along Each Trajectory
by Single Laser
Applied Physics Letters, 85-19, (2004), 4301-4303.
F. Arai, K. Yoshikawa, T. Sakami, T. Fukuda

169. マイクロピペット操作のための高感度マイクロ触覚センサ
日本機械学会論文集(C編),70-699,(2004), 3199-3205.
新井史人,元尾幸平,福田敏男,桂樹 徹

170. Field Emission Properties of Individual Carbon Nanotubes Investigated
by Nanorobotic Manipulation and Electron-Beam-Induced Deposition
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 16-6, (2004), 597-603.
F. Arai, P. Liu, L.X. Dong, T. Fukuda

171. Facial Expressive Robotic Head System for Human-Robot Communication
and Its Application in Home Environment
Proceedings of the IEEE, 92-11, (2004), 1851- 1865.
T. Fukuda, M.-J. Jung, M. Nakashima, F. Arai, Y. Hasegawa

172. Flexible Rope Manipulation Using Elastic Deformation Modeling
by Dual Manipulator System with Vision Sensor
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 16-1, (2004), 31-38.
T. Matsuno, T. Fukuda, F. Arai, Y. Hasegawa

173. インクジェット式積層造形法によるマイクロ投入ポートを有する
日本機械学会論文集(C編),71-701,(2005), 100-106.

174. In situ Measurement of Young's Modulus of Carbon Nanotube inside TEM
through Hybrid Nanorobotic Manipulation System
IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 5-3, (2006), 243-248.
M. Nakajima, F. Arai, T. Fukuda

175. Immobilization of individual cells by local photo polymerization on a chip
Analyst, 130, (2005), 304-310.
H. Maruyama, F. Arai, T. Fukuda, T. Katsuragi

176. 心拍変動のカオス解析に基づく睡眠状態推定手法
電気学会論文誌C(電子・情報・システム部門誌), 125-1, (2005), 43-49.

177. Microfabrication and Laser Manipulation of Functional Microtool
using In-Situ photofabrication
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 17-3, (2005), 335-341.
H. Maruyama, F. Arai, T. Fukuda

178. タッチパネル入力機器のためのクリック感を有する透明スイッチ機構
日本機械学会論文集(C編),71-706,(2005), 1983-1989.

179. 脳血管内手術シミュレーションのための個別型脳血管立体モデル
(第1報, 脳血管内腔形状のin vitroモデル化と力学特性の再現)
日本機械学会論文集(C編),71-707,(2005), 2362
池田誠一,新井史人,福田敏男,根来 眞,入江恵子,高橋郁夫

180. Field emission property of individual carbon nanotube and its improvement
by decoration with ruthenium dioxide super-nanoparticles
Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 17-4, (2005), 475-482.
P. Liu, F. Arai, L. Dong, T. Fukuda

181. Cylindrical Micro Touch Sensor with Piezoelectric Thin Film
for Microbial Separation
Robotica, 23, (2005), 441-448.
F. Arai, K. Motoo, Paul G.R. Kwon, T. Fukuda, A. Ichikawa, T. Katsuragi

182. Differentiation and Monitoring of Cells Using a Biochip for Regenerative
Medicine (Differentiation of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells and Myoblasts)
JSME International Journal, C, 49-3, (2006), 852-858.
T. Uchida, F. Arai, O. Suzuki, A. Ichikawa, T. Fukuda, T. Katagiri, R. Kamijo,
M. Nakamura, M. Numata, N. Watanabe

183. Artificial Odor Discrimination System Using Multiple Quartz Resonator Sensors
and Various Neural Networks for Recognizing Fragrance Mixtures
IEEE Sensors Journal, 6-1, (2006), 223-233.
W. Jatmiko, T. Fukuda, F. Arai, B. Kusumoputro

184. Nanotube Multi-functional Nanoposition Sensors
Journal of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems,
Proc. of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Part N, 219, (2005), 23-27.
P. Liu, L. Dong, F. Arai, T. Fukuda

185. High Sensitive Touch Sensor with Piezoelectric Thin Film for Pipetting Works
under Microscope
Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, A 126, (2005), 1-6.
K. Motoo, F. Arai, T. Fukuda, T. Katsuragi, K. Itoigawa

186. On Chip Single-Cell Separation and Immobilization Using Optical Tweezers
and Thermo Sensitive Hydrogel
Lab on a chip, 5-12, (2005), 1399-1403.
F. Arai, Chinaik Ng, H. Maruyama, A. Ichikawa, Haitham El-Shimy, T. Fukuda

187. Touch sensor for micromanipulation with pipette
using lead-free (K,Na)(Nb,Ta)O3 piezoelectric ceramics
Journal of Applied Physics, 98, 094505 (2005)
Kohei Motoo, Fumihito Arai, Toshio Fukuda, Masato Matsubara, Koichi Kikuta,
Toshiaki Yamaguchi, Shin-ichi Hirano

188. In-situ formation of a gel microbead for indirect laser micromanipulation
of microorganisms
Applied Physics Letters, 87-19, (2005), 191108-1 - 191108-3.
A. Ichikawa, F. Arai, K. Yoshikawa, T. Uchida, T. Fukuda

189. Nanorobotic Systems
Int. J. of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2-3, (2005), 264-275.
T. Fukuda, F. Arai, L.X. Dong

190. レーザトラップされた感熱性ゲルによるDNA分子のマニピュレーション
日本機械学会論文集(C編),72-714,(2006), 464-470.

191. 配管腐食診断システムの研究(表面SH波探触子を用いたネジ部の腐食推定)
日本機械学会論文集(C編),71-710,(2005), 2888-2895.

192. トポロジカルモデルと結び目不変量を用いたマニピュレーションのための
ロープの形状認識,計測自動制御学会論文集, 41-4, (2005), 3463-3472.